
ABCD is rectangle on a coordinate grid with side AB parallel to side CD. Side BC is perpendicular to AB. The slip of AB is 3/4. what is the slope of BC?

Accepted Solution

The slope of BC is [tex]\frac{-4}{3}[/tex]Step-by-step explanation:Let us revise some notes about slopes of linesIf two lines are parallel, then their slopes are equalIf to lines are perpendicular, then the product of their slopes is -1, that means if the slope of one is m, then the slope of the other is [tex]\frac{-1}{m}[/tex]∵ ABCD is a rectangle∵ AB // CD∴ The slope of AB = the slope of CD∵ BC ⊥ AB∴ The slope of BC × the slope of AB = -1∵ The slope of AB = [tex]\frac{3}{4}[/tex]- To find the slope of BC reciprocal the slope of AB and reverse its sign∴ The slope of BC = [tex]\frac{-4}{3}[/tex]The slope of BC is [tex]\frac{-4}{3}[/tex]Learn more:You can learn more about the slope in brainly.com/question/9801816#LearnwithBrainly